Tag: get

1. Abrimos SharePoint Management Shell. 2. Ejecutamos el script: Get-SPServiceApplication | where-object {$_.TypeName -eq "SERVICE NAME"}
Podemos activar y desactivar HyperV (si por ejemplo queremos ejecutar VMs de VirtualBox y no nos deja porque tenemos HyperV) con estos comandos desde la Command Prompt: Desactivar bcdedit /set […]
1. Execute your Query with “Results to Grid” option selected (You can select this option with its icon or by menu “Query – Results To – Results to grid”). 2. […]
In order to find the public key token of your project you need to follow this: 1. Open the Developer Command Prompt fot VS2012. 2. Write this command (Use full […]
I’ve found an interesting link about how to retrieve some properties of user profiles in SharePoint 2013 by using its client object model, like this: const string serverUrl = "http://serverName/"; […]
You can obtain the Current Project Resource Rates by the following code in Visual Basic for Applications: Public Sub UpdateCostRates() Dim ProjectName As Project Set ProjectName = ActiveProject Dim N […]
You can get a LOG file with your workflow trace following this steps:1. Edit web.config.2. Insert the following code just BEFORE <appSettings> (always AFTER </System.Workflow.ComponentModel.WorkflowCompiler>): <system.diagnostics> <sources> <source name="System.Workflow.Runtime" > <listeners> <add […]