I’ve found an interesting link about how to retrieve some properties of user profiles in SharePoint 2013 by using its client object model, like this:
const string serverUrl = "http://serverName/"; const string targetUser = "domainName\userName"; ClientContext clientContext = new ClientContext(serverUrl); PeopleManager peopleManager = new PeopleManager(clientContext); string[] profilePropertyNames = new string[] { "PreferredName", "Department", "Title" }; UserProfilePropertiesForUser profilePropertiesForUser = new UserProfilePropertiesForUser(clientContext, targetUser, profilePropertyNames); IEnumerable<string> profilePropertyValues = peopleManager.GetUserProfilePropertiesFor(profilePropertiesForUser); clientContext.Load(profilePropertiesForUser); clientContext.ExecuteQuery(); foreach (var value in profilePropertyValues) { Console.Write(value + "n"); } Console.ReadKey(false);
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